Commercial Realty

Property insurance provides protection against a wide range of perils including fire, theft, and water damage to property owned or controlled by the insured. Excess Underwriting offers comprehensive commercial property coverage that is tailored to meet the needs of Canadian businesses.

The Excess commercial package insurance product combines coverages for liability and property. Our solutions are perfect for Canadian small businesses and allows them to take a flexible approach to ensure their business is covered.

  • Property – no limit on the number of locations – total TIV up to
  • $5,000,000/single for protected locations
  • Subscription capabilities no building greater than $50M
  • Vacant property up to $2,000,000 TIV
  • Commercial general liability – up to $10,000,000/occurrence or claims made based on the risk
  • Business interruption
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Crime limit up to $5,000 (in and out) – higher limits and coverage offered)
  • Frame – limit up to $20,000,000
  • Fire Resistive – limit up to $110,000,000
  • Can lead or follow in both primary and excess layers
  • Real Estate – commercial and residential
  • Sawmills and wood workers
  • Seafood processors
  • Hospitality, including hotels, ski resort condos
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing

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